Enhance access to integrated universal health care services among female sex workers, including those with intersecting vulnerabilities in Uganda
- Conduct hotspot mapping of FSWs and Provider facilities
- Conduct awareness, demand creation, screening, testing, case finding, service provision & and distribution of preventive commodities such as condoms, Lubricants, FP commodities on HIV, STIs, FP, TB, Mental Health MAT, and GBV and PAC, SRHR for FSWs & others with Intersecting vulnerabilities
- Develop, Support establishment, strengthening and scale-up of innovative community models & structures support systems DiCs, (CHLEGs; GACs, CLAADs, Community Mental Health First Aid Champions (CoMFACs, toll-free helpline, adherence safe spaces, that enhance access to Universal health services
- Conduct CBO monthly feedback and strategizing meetings at H/Facility with healthworker, peer educators/CHLEG coordinators and AWAC Field officers
- Conduct capacity strengthening and mentorship activities of FSWs, leaders of FSWs, community support structures, peers, service providers, and other key actors on enhancing access to UHC.
- Conduct weekly outreaches to homes/ hotspots for follow up on those with missed appointments, unstable FSWs for drug refills and case identification of FSWs for PrEP or ART/TB enrolment Test, and referral.
- Conduct data collection and validation visits, support supervision of KP field Officers, Peer educators/CHLEGS Groups